WHAt is Illumi-NITE?
Illumi-NITE is our annual service-learning event held in December. It is a service project where youth show up for others by placing luminary displays at the homes of people in need of support and love.
We need you to help us spread hope and light to others. This youth initiative serves as a reminder that no one is alone and fosters hope, kindness, and community spirit. We hope you will register to be part of this heartwarming event!
Sign up your youth-based team to participate by October 15.
The inaugural Illumi-NITE saw 80 students brightening the lives of 25 recipients. Last year, participation surged to over 325 students and 125 recipients. We are excited to expand this year to youth-based teams, clubs, groups, families or schools (ages 10-25) and invite you to join us!
​We are able to fully fund the Illumi-NITE program because of generous donations from our KEEP GOING 25 supporters.​

Why Illumi-nite?
The holiday season can be very overwhelming for people in need of support or love. Michael Currin’s family knew this all too well going into their first Christmas season without him. One night, the Currin family came out to see their house and entire neighborhood lined with the beautiful lights of luminaries. It was this simple act of kindness that gave them hope to KEEP GOING. Inspired by this community demonstration of light and love, the Illumi-NITE service-learning program was launched in December of 2022. A simple act of community kindness and empathy to Michael's family has ignited a mission to pay it forward and to share kindness and light with others.
KEEP GOING 25 believes that serving others is the foundation of a life of purpose. Illumi-NITE is a service-learning opportunity to help youth gain invaluable experience and foster compassion, empathy, and teamwork through action.

Do You know someone who NEEDS the MESSAGE to KEEp Going?
WAnt To ParTicipate?

Know someone you would like to Illumi-NITE?
Register to request your free
luminary Kit(s)
October 15, 2025
Once you've received your approval email, organize your youth-based team (ages 10-25) and choose a recipient/s
Plan and Prepare for Illumi-NITE
plan, assemble,
Illumi-NITE and reflect all on the same evening
​​Pick up luminary kits the 1st week of November
Kits are fully funded by KEEP GOING 25 and include all materials needed to participate in Illumi-NITE. Some assembly required
Participate in
Illumi-NITE on December 7, 2025
in your community
Illumi-Nite Message from Callie Currin-Carroll

All Saints Archbishop Carroll, Badin, Cardinal Pacelli Friends, Cathedral High School, Chaminade Julienne, Cousin Team Meyer, CHCA Lacrosse, CHCA/Elevation VB/Moeller, Deer Park High School Volleyball, DePaul Cristo Rey, Do it For Jack, Eisenmann Family, Elder, Immaculate Heart of Mary, JoJo's Little Elves, Kilgour Elementary, Kings Hammer, LaSalle, Lehman Catholic High School, Loveland C.A.R.E.S, Madeira Football, MND Volleyball, Moeller, Moeller Basketball, Moore Joy & Gratitude, Mother Teresa, Mount Notre Dame, Operation Give Back, Roger Bacon, Ross Strong, Seton, St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary, St. Margaret of York, St. Ignatius Friends, St. Max Parish, St. Michael Student Council, St. Ursula Academy, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Xavier, Students of Mr. Hopewell, Summit Country Day, Sycamore, Team Byrne, Toughness for Ty, Tri-State Elite Volleyball Club, Ursuline Academy, Xavier Jesuit Academy.
“Absolute goosebumps. Walked outside to this beautiful surprise from the Currin-Carroll Family and the Keep Going 25 Project tonight. Michael continues to make an impact in the lives of so many. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!”

”Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We were so touched to see the luminaries outside of our house. We miss Charlie every day, but holidays are especially hard. It is so beautiful to know that people are remembering Charlie and praying us through the hard days. There is incredible hope in seeing the light break through the darkness! Thank you. We will remember to KEEP GOING.”
“Thank you so much for thinking of our family in your “Keep Going 25” school project. You have no idea how much this very thoughtful gesture meant to my whole family. The luminaries were absolutely beautiful! What really touched us was all of your signatures on the back of the sign encouraging us to “keep going”. The support and love you bestowed upon our family at Christmas time truly does encourage us to “keep going”.” We look forward to paying it forward next year.”