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KEEP Service GOING Grants 

KEEP Service GOING grants are available to students who wish to lead the way to love and serve within their community demonstrating the value of showing up for others. 



MINI grants are one-time grants for students and young adults (ages 10 - 25) to support service-based learning projects. The projects must be action-oriented, impact the community, and focus on the applicant’s passion for helping others KEEP GOING.

MINI grants are awarded annually for up to $250 each. Applications will be evaluated and awarded quarterly.

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MISSION grants are one-time grants that are intended to fund initiatives that further the mission of KEEP GOING 25 to inspire and lead the way for youth to love and serve through action-oriented projects within their communities. 

MISSION grants are awarded annually for up to $5,000 each. Applications will be evaluated and awarded quarterly.


Applications are reviewed tri-annually. Due Dates: 

April 30, 2024   |   October 31, 2024     |   February 28, 2025 

Please review the grant guidelines above before submitting a grant application to ensure it fits our mission. 

Making an Impact


We are excited by the positive impact KEEP GOING 25 is making in our communities as we inspire youth to create change through action-oriented service projects. To date, over 1,500 students have been impacted by our KEEP Service GOING Mini grants. The funds were used to foster the important life skills of leadership, collaboration and compassion through mini projects like School Greeters, the KEEP Kindness GOING Board, Positive Pep Talks, and Rally at Mile 25. Our KEEP Service GOING Mission grants supported projects to engage students in building beds for area children, as well as, participating in a week-long service immersion program. 

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